Together LIIA and SESLIP are working with the 52 local authorities and children’s trusts across the London and the South East to help us develop our respective regional workforce strategies. The survey alongside other activities (focus groups and best practice research) is designed to gather information to help ensure the strategy is informed by the best evidence.
Project Goals
- We want to hear from a wide range of staff including: local authority social workers, social work managers, social work students, AYSE social workers, agency social workers and managers.
- This research will be directly shared with Central Government to inform the response to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and influence national change in the sector.
- The information collected will be used by the 33 London Local Authorities and 19 Local Authorities in the South East to develop a deeper understanding of how they can improve the workplace for children’s social workers.
- When we have completed the research, we will collate the information gathered and develop an analysis to develop regional workforce strategies.
- We aim to complete the research and report back in Spring 2023.
The information collated will be anonymised and not attributed to any individual
Project Milestones
Key milestones have included;
1) Launched and completed 10 Big Listen focus groups in November and December, with good attendance across all target groups.
2) Launched the Big Listen Survey in December 2022. We received over 140 responses from Social Workers in the first 48 hours and have since been delighted to have reached over 500 responses to date.