Leadership in Colour – Two Years In

Black History Month provides an opportunity to reflect of the Leadership in Colour Programme and it’s impact over the last two years.
The Leadership in Colour Programme was created in August 2020 at the request of ALDCS to help address the under-representation of Global Majority staff in senior leadership positions within London’s Children’s Services. The programme is designed and overseen by a Reference Group consisting of Global Majority managers from across London’s Children’s Services and currently numbers 65 people.
It is chaired by Merlin Joseph (LIIA Anti-Racism Strategic Lead and former Lambeth DCS) and operates through LIIA.
Previous initiatives to address under-representation had not been successful and the involvement of affected staff was considered critical to bringing about real change. There was frank acknowledgement that systemic racism has been a factor in workforce disproportionality and that both developmental opportunities for staff and organisational change were needed. Staff College are commissioned to run elements of the programme and work with the Reference Group on programme design.
Learn more about the programme and LIIA work in this area.